Thursday, November 5, 2020

Day 5 - 30 Days of Work in Progress - Let's Go!

We have a plan and 25 more days to work on it, let's get this going!  

But first, I have one more housekeeping challenge for you:

Put the rest of your projects away

I know, this sounds terrible for me at least!  First of all, I hate tidying more than most things.  Secondly, what if I put something away and suddenly feel inspired to work on it?  Well, this month I'm really going to try to challenge myself to focus on a few key projects I can really finish.  So I'm going to try my best to work on those things and put away the rest of the chaos.

Share with us your progress and accomplishments big & small on Instagram with #30daysofWIP

1 comment:

  1. I will share it with my other friends as the information is really very useful. Keep sharing your excellent work. Read more info about professional housekeepers Toronto
